After a turbulent 2020 for the sport of muay thai across Thailand, 2021 has now brought a second wave of despair to the muaythai community with restrictions being reimposed following a new recent Covid 19 outbreak.

For the latter part of 2020 Thailand seemed to have beaten the virus with no local cases recorded for many months and gyms and muay thai shows in Thailand operating on a daily basis.

Then in December, a string of cases linked to a seafood market in Samut Sakhon have urged the government to reintroduce and enforce measures in an attempt to curb the virus which include no sporting events and muaythai gyms and camps shut until at least the end of January.

This comes as another shock for muay thai practitioners and fans alike but we can only remain positive as our athletes and event promoters face more hardship.

14/01/2021 16:15:22


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